Rockwell offers an affordable tuition structure.

Enrolled students pay just $299 monthly for 32 months, for a total program cost of $9,568.

Managing your tuition is hassle-free. 

All future tuition installments are automated from the day you enroll and will conclude after 32 completed payments.

After making your first tuition payment, you'll receive an enrollment confirmation email and be redirected to the student intake and log-in. 

Once on the educational platform, you can begin your first holistic doctorate or practice minor.

$299.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

At Rockwell, you'll always have the flexibility to withdraw or transfer your program for any reason.

This comes with a one-time $75 transfer or withdrawal fee.

Please note that there are no refunds, as all program content is released immediately.