Holistic Doctoral Graduate Requirements



become the holistic provider you always wished you had.

Unlike law, conventional medicine, real estate, and even massage therapy, our teaching modalities fall within an educationally unregulated industry, allowing us to dictate our entry and graduate requirements, and titles bestowed.


Doctorates traditionally take longer in mainstream academia, but "doctor" has long been a title in the natural health industry, and it doesn't take eight years to obtain.


For a brief period, we required graduate dissertations, but for various reasons, as described below, we no longer do so because our definition of a PhD, or 'doctor as teacher,' goes beyond the traditional doctorate-dissertation model valued by conventional educators.

As holistic providers, we are all research scientists, albeit without titles. We recognize the combined value of research, anecdotal theory, and improving one's written communication skills; therefore, if you'd like to write a dissertation or a shorter paper (or article), we would love to publish it on our blog under 'STUDENT PAPERS & DISSERTATIONS' in the 'CONNECT' drop-down menu. 


You'll find those guidelines below this content. We no longer require dissertations because many of our graduates have already written them at conventional colleges or don't have the time. 


We have physicians, NPs, autonomous NPs, PAs, NDs / NMDs, RNs, LPNs, and numerous licensed medical and other professionals who have already completed this kind of work or don't wish to do so again but who still wish to study and apply the contents of our program for their own personal and professional enrichment.


Other students comprise stay-at-home parents juggling children and managing a busy home, and some older students don't wish to spend their time writing.


We know that there are educators of this class and type who charge you $20,000 and force you to write (exactly)100-page dissertations, but to us, that is superfluous.


Furthermore, we don't want to tell people they will be excluded from studying natural, functional, holistic medicine just because they aren't interested in writing a 20-30+ page paper.


The papers on our website are by no means exhaustive; this year, we hope to publish all backlogged dissertations. 



Complete Any Holistic Doctorate or Minor Certification

Once you complete a certification, you can request your certificate of completion and begin building your practice. Your practice skills will expand and grow the more your learn, and soon enough, you'll be an expert in functional, holistic medicine.

Receive Certificates of Completion

Simply let us know when you've reached completion and the exact date and name you want on each cert. We provide beautiful downloadable, print PDF and PNG files of your certificate of completion. After your third doctorate, we request the completion of your dissertation.

Choose a Dissertation Topic

You will write one dissertation. You will have up until you've completed your third holistic doctorate to start your dissertation because if you're not already in practice, this will build a strong enough foundation to choose a topic of interest, perhaps one that will become your specialty. Most of our graduates go on to choose a topic they know and love.

Check Out Our Sample Dissertations

See example dissertations on our blog where we've published some of our graduate papers. The dissertation can be submitted for initial review following the standards presented here. We suggest using Grammarly before submission. It's magic. 

Receive 5 Holistic Doctorates & 7 Minor Certifications

Once all edits are cleared, we may publish your paper on our blog. Our holistic offerings are life-changing. The material in them will touch your life, and they'll touch the lives of everyone you work with.

Step Into Your Power as a Global Holistic Provider

Inside the Rockwell Business Emporium® for holistic providers, we teach you business energetics, how to heal the visibility wound, set up systems, and more so you can get started in your base practice and shining your light. 

Dissertation Instructions & Factsheet

Doctoral Dissertation Specifications

Dissertations must be written in Google Docs, not Microsoft Word, and when shared, must be shared with editing privileges.


Your dissertation can be as little as 5,000 words up to 25,000 words, 1.15 line spacing, in size 13 Century Gothic font on a holistic subject of your choice, most likely an area you will specialize.


We ask you to confirm your topic with us before you get started in writing and research just in case there's too many people doing a paper on the same subject.


That's why it's best to have 2-3 ideas to choose from. You can email, text, or call us about this, —whatever is most convenient for you.


Your dissertation word limit may include footnotes and end notes but excludes appendices, references, title page, and a required bibliography. 


In addition, figures, tables, and images should be counted as the equivalent of 75 words for each page, or part of a page, that they occupy with a limit of 12 images and or graphs.


All new incoming papers must also include an abstract.


See our blog for some dissertation examples and watch the video at the bottom of this page for more info.



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