How to Depreciate an Oven by Piper Gibson, PhD, TND/DNM

When I first started looking for Nutrition programs, I investigated all of the Universities and what they offered. In my research, I found out that they would teach me how to depreciate an oven. 35% of the lessons taught in a typical nutrition program revolve around teaching you the business end of working in a clinical setting. The programs are oriented so that you can eventually pass the Registered Dietitian test. 


The questions on the test include things like this:


You are working as a dietitian in a nursing home, and you need to purchase a new oven. You have a purchase order for $35,000 (they also taught you how to fill that out). How much will the oven be worth in 10 years? 


I don’t know about you, but this doesn’t make me feel excited about learning nutrition. It makes me feel like the accountant at the nursing home needs to do his job. 


On top of that, typical nutrition programs follow calories in/calories out and macros. 


Another question on the test includes: 


Bob has cancer and is on chemotherapy. What is the best option for him to eat?


  1. eggs over easy
  2. flan
  3. lemon cake  


The answer is C, lemon cake because the egg is fully baked into the cake, reducing Bob’s risk of salmonella. At no point do they consider that sugar feeds cancer cells and Bob should not be eating any cake in the first place.


When I dug into what I was looking for in a nutrition program, it wasn’t how to depreciate an oven or feed Bob sugar. I truly wanted a program that taught me how food deeply impacted our bodies. What foods were meant to heal us, and what foods will break us down.


I wanted to dive deep into how food affects the gut, brain, and immune systems. I wanted to go above and beyond calories in/calories out and truly understand the ins and outs of real nutrition. It was vital for me to realize that there is no one-size-fits-all diet and that each person will have a unique response to the foods they eat. 


In a world where humans are becoming sicker by the day and in a world where we have seen a 400% increase in chronic illness in children, I felt called to find a program that would rock my world.


A program that would bust the myths surrounding diet, the same myths we have sadly been taught our entire lives. I have always been someone who wants both sides of the story; what are the pros and cons of veganism or the good, the bad, and ugly of a low carb diet. 


A conventional program will lean heavily on plant-based meals, that include lower fats and plenty of carbs, a seemingly standard prescription.


At Rockwell, you learn how food undoubtedly affects every cell, tissue, organ, and system in the body. You will journey through lessons on water, preservatives, toxins, obesity, gut, brain, vitamins, minerals, and food sensitivities, and that is only the tip of the iceberg. 


I feel like Rockwell has the most well-rounded and thought-out holistic nutrition program in the world. I know that’s a bold statement, and it’s saying a lot, but the content taught at Rockwell exceeds anything you find anyplace else. 


Rockwell did not teach me to depreciate an oven, and for that, I am thankful. However, they did teach me that Bob, who has cancer, should not be eating lemon cake. Scramble that man an egg or better yet serve him a steak. 


by Dr. Piper Gibson, Regenerating Health