The Advancement in Oxygen Medicine & Bio-Oxidative Therapies & Their Ability to Reverse Disease and Aging and Promote Optimal Wellness by Tamara Webster, DMN, PdH.

by Tamara Webster, DNM, PhD.
A Dissertation Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Doctorate of Traditional Naturopathy & Natural Medicine from the Rockwell School of Functional and Holistic Medicine
February 2023
by Tamara Webster, CHHP
Rockwell School of Functional and Holistic Medicine, 2023 under the supervision of Ava Rockwell, Founder & Creative Director
@ Copyright by Tamara Webster, 2023
All Rights Reserved
List of Figures…………………………………………………………………...…i
- Breath of Life
- The Lungs
- Oxygen Molecule
- Atmosphere
- Sealife
- Amazon Rainforest
- Albert Einstein quote
- Carbon Dioxide
- Oxygen Medicine in Healthcare
- Hydrogen Proton Electron
- Nitric Oxide Molecule
- Ozone Molecule
- Breathwork
- Exercising with Oxygen
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
- Nikola Tesla
- Bioelectric Medicine
- Antioxidants
- Iron and Hemoglobin
- Homeopathic Remedies
Chapter 1 ………………………………………………………………………..7
The Evolution of Oxygen Therapy
Chapter 2 ………………………………………………………………………..8
The Crucial Role of Oxygen for Health
Hypoxia & Oxygen
Where Oxygen Comes From
Air, Soil, Water & Oxygen
Animals & Oxygen
Climate Change & Oxygen
The Ozone Layer
Diseases & Oxygen
Why Pathogens Hate Oxygen
The Regulation of Blood pH
Carbon Dioxide & Blood pH
Chapter 3 ……………………………………………………………………….18
Types of Oxygen Medicine and Bio-oxidative Therapies and Their Uses: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Nitric Oxide, Ozone
Chapter 4 ………………………………………………………………………..35
The Benefits of Oxygen and Bio-oxidative Therapies in Prevention, Healing, and Aging
Chapter 5 ………………………………………………………………………36
Alternative Therapies for Increasing Blood Oxygen Saturation
Spiritual Medicine
Exercise with Oxygen (EWOT)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
Bioenergetic Medicine
Chapter 6 ………………………………………………………………………44
Nutritional Medicine: Food, Diets, Supplements, Nutrition & Oxygen
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 3 And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. 6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, and herb yielding seed after its kind, and the tree yielding fruit. 20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly and fowl that may fly above the earth. 24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and beast.
2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. King James Bible Online
Fig. 1 breath of life
The global use of oxygen as medicine became common around 1917, but the invention of its use as medicine was nearly 200 years before. Today, oxygen as medicine is the most common treatment used in hospitals around the world.
Identified in the 1800s as antiviral cleaning agents, bio-oxidative therapies are gaining popularity as modern-day alternative treatments for diseases, premature aging, and preventative wellness. These “alternative” treatments include hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and nitric oxide to name a few. Research has shown how incorporating oxygen medicine and bio-oxidative therapies into lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, environment, and in our water can vastly reduce symptoms of disease, effectively reverse chronic conditions, life-threatening illnesses, and premature aging and restore vitality, longevity, and promote optimal health and well-being.
Oxygen and bio-oxidative therapies are powerful therapeutic tools used for healing human diseases but are equally important for the prevention of disease. As proven by two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg, hypoxia, or oxygen starvation at the cellular level is the cause of degenerative diseases, metabolic diseases, and aging.
Prana, Chi, Ki, and Bions are all names for the Life Force stored in Oxygen. ‘Pneuma’ as in air, is an ancient text for ‘Soul.’ Ozone, from the Greek, is a form of oxygen so important that the translation means, ‘The Breath of God.’
Fig. 2 The lungs are the bodily organs that hold and release oxygen which allows humans to breathe.
Chapter 1
The Evolution of Oxygen Therapy
In 1771, Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele did a series of experiments with mercuric oxide and potassium nitrate. On heating the two he obtained a gas that caused candles to burn more brightly. Working independently in 1774, Joseph Priestley had heated mercuric oxide and obtained what he described as ‘dephlogisticated air.’ The gas discovered by Scheele and Priestley was oxygen, to which the great French chemist Antoine Lavoisier would give the name "oxygen” in 1779—the agent ubiquitous in modern medicine.
Fig. 3 02 is the oxygen molecule that is composed of two oxygen atoms held together by a covalent bond.
When Priestly inhaled this gas, he described that his chest felt light and easy for some time afterward and he believed this pure air may one day become fashionable and a luxury.
Lavoisier developed the modern system of naming chemical substances and has been called the “father of modern chemistry.” Scientists now recognize 92 naturally occurring elements-including nitrogen and oxygen, the main components of air. They comprise 78 and 21 percent of the atmosphere, respectively.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines “oxygen” as a colorless, odorless reactive gas, the chemical element of atomic number 8 (it has eight protons in its nucleus) and the life-supporting component of air and a chemical element that constitutes 21 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, that is capable of combining with all elements except some noble gases, that is active in physiological processes of almost all known organisms, and that is involved especially in combustion. Oxygen can also be described as a nutrient, a substance that provides nourishment for the maintenance of life and growth.
Chapter 2
The Crucial Role of Oxygen for Health
Breathing uses chemical and mechanical processes to bring oxygen to every cell of the body. When we exhale, carbon dioxide is a waste product of that process. The respiratory system brings air from the environment to the lungs and facilitates gas exchange both in the lungs and within the cells.
Ninety percent of all our energy comes from breathing, hence why breathwork is so vital to human function, digestion, immunity, and homeostasis and why a pH-balanced diet brings the additional oxygen our cells and muscles need to break up the chemical bonds of food molecules such as sugar, carbohydrates, and proteins and release the energy they contain which makes us capable of performing physical activity and maintain stamina and endurance.
The human body is dependent upon oxygen for its survival. Yet, various factors such as aging, psychological stress, obstructive sleep apnea, exposure to cigarette smoke, living at high altitudes, high-intensity exercise, or a sedentary lifestyle can all lead to a hypoxic state. Hypoxia may be involved in the pathogenesis of several disorders including impaired immunity, hormonal imbalances, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, depression, and anxiety.
Every tissue and organ in the body is dependent upon oxygen to function effectively. The human brain, for example, needs 20% of the oxygen pumped from the heart while at rest. The brain’s oxygen requirement is the highest of any tissue or organ, even though it accounts for only 2% of the average person’s body weight. Every time we take a breath in, oxygen is transported via the alveoli of the lungs to the capillaries and subsequently into the bloodstream. In the blood, hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells (RBC), binds oxygen and transports it to tissues where the oxygen assists with nutrient breakdown and energy production. This process of delivering oxygen to tissues is known as perfusion. If tissues do not receive enough oxygen, a condition known as hypoxia develops, which results in pain and low cellular function. Tight muscles are reflective of a hypoxic state. Soreness that occurs after exercising harder than normal or exercising after a sedentary period is due to low blood oxygen levels during exercise and the buildup of lactic acid.
The cornea of the eye is the only part of the human body that has no blood supply; it gets oxygen directly through the air. The cornea is the fastest-healing tissue in the human body and most corneal abrasions will heal within 24-36 hours.
Hypoxia & Oxygen
Oxygen, known as O2 is generally available in abundance, but deficiency occurs at high altitudes and during deep sea dives, as well as in lung diseases. Low blood oxygen is evident in certain conditions such as ischemic disease, tumors, and obesity.
Symptoms of low oxygen can include breathlessness, chest pain, tingling in the limbs, confusion and delirium, fast heart rate, pale skin, sweating, coughing, wheezing, and dehydration. Many diseases cause hypoxia, but oxygen medicine is a proven vital part of the process of healing and recovery from inflammation, dehydration, surgery, sore muscles, sleep apnea, cigarette smoke, periodontitis, pollution, environmental toxins, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, low testosterone, viral illnesses, autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, stress, mood disorders, dementia, Alzheimer’s, headaches, migraines, injuries, surgeries, and more.
O2 deficiency at a whole-body level can be treated by therapy or supplementation, but O2 is also toxic through the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). It is concluded that O2 is a critical but overlooked nutrient which should be considered as part of the landscape of nutritional science.
Where Oxygen Comes From
The oxygen that we breathe and find in the atmosphere has two main sources. The first, and major source is that oxygen is liberated as a by-product of photosynthetic chemical reactions. The second source occurs in the atmosphere itself when water molecules are split apart after being struck with ultraviolet radiation. This process is called photolysis. The molecule is broken down into one diatomic hydrogen molecule and one free oxygen. The hydrogen molecule is light and has a quick thermal velocity, so it can escape Earth's atmosphere leaving behind the free oxygen to form a diatomic oxygen molecule. The main source of this atmospheric water was volcanic eruptions and outgassing.
Fig. 4 The process of atmospheric carbon dioxide, atmospheric oxygen, precipitation, photosynthesis, combustion, decomposition, and respiration which creates, supports, and sustains all plant, animal, and human life.
Air, Soil, Water & Oxygen
Atmospheric oxygen is required by all terrestrial and aquatic plants and animals for respiration: the breakdown of organic compounds of carbon and energy is necessary for cellular maintenance and growth. Plants and animals then return oxygen back to the atmosphere, soil, or water. The Labrador Sea between Canada and Greenland is often referred to as the 'lung of the deep ocean' because it is one of only a handful of locations worldwide where oxygen from the atmosphere can enter the deepest layers of the ocean. The ability to sustain animal life in the deep ocean depends directly on this localized 'deep breathing." This process is driven by wintertime cooling at the sea surface, which makes oxygen-rich, near-surface waters denser and heavy enough to sink to depths of around 2 km in winter. Research shows that human-caused global warming is the principal cause of marine oxygen loss. Climate change is thought to be a principal cause of this “deoxygenation”, affecting how much oxygen seawater can hold and the circulation patterns that carry oxygen-rich water to the deeper ocean.
Animals & Oxygen
Sea life, fish, phytoplankton, trees, plants, soil, birds, animals, and humans all need oxygen for survival.
Fig. 5 Fish and sea life need oxygen to breathe underwater. They take in water through their gill’s, dissolved oxygen is absorbed in the lungs and carbon dioxide is released into the water.
Scientists discovered that a jellyfish-like parasite doesn't have a mitochondrial genome - the first multicellular organism known to have this absence. That means it doesn't breathe; in fact, it lives its life completely free of oxygen dependency.
Birds move air through their lungs in one direction via a series of 7 to 9 air sacs, connected by loopy tubes. Birds take oxygen into their body tissues when they breathe in and when they breathe out. So, for every one bird breath, humans would need to take two. This makes birds super-efficient breathers. The American alligator and the Savannah monitor lizard are the only mammals that also breathe this way.
Climate Change & Oxygen
Scientists estimate that 50-80% of the oxygen production on Earth comes from the ocean. The majority of this production is from oceanic plankton — drifting plants, algae, and some bacteria that can photosynthesize. One species, Prochlorococcus, is the smallest photosynthetic organism on Earth but produces up to 20% of the oxygen in our entire biosphere.
Fig. 6 The Amazon rainforest produces half the world’s oxygen supply. Manmade ecological disasters are terrorizing the landscape, and animal life, and threatening human life.
Although the ocean produces at least 50% of the oxygen on Earth, roughly the same amount is consumed by marine life. Oxygen is also consumed when dead plants and animals decay in the ocean.
This is particularly problematic when algal blooms die, and the decomposition process uses oxygen faster than it can be replenished. This can create areas of extremely low oxygen concentrations, or hypoxia. These areas are often called dead zones because the oxygen levels are too low to support most marine life.
Marine oxygen levels are the next great casualty of climate change. The climate crisis highlights the emission of greenhouse gases and their effect on warming, precipitation, sea-level rise, and ocean acidification. Water without adequate oxygen cannot support life. For the three billion people who depend on coastal fisheries for income, declining ocean oxygen levels are catastrophic. If we do not save marine life from oxygen starvation, we starve ourselves.
Even anaerobes (life forms that do not use oxygen) require oxygen using life forms to live in or around because oxygen carries the energy of life itself.
Fig. 7 As quoted by Albert Einstein, a famous theoretical physicist, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another” meaning energy is not stagnant, there is no beginning and no end it is always evolving which is known as Quantum Physics.
The Ozone Layer & Oxygen
That fresh smell in the air immediately after a thunderstorm is created when lightning strikes and the electricity converts the oxygen in the atmosphere into ozone. The ozone oxidizes pollutants in the air so that it is clean for us to breathe by the time it researches the earth.
Breathing in inappropriate concentrations of ozone can be harmful to the lungs, but in proper concentrations, it purifies the air we breathe.
Diseases & Oxygen
“The closer we are to Nature, the healthier we are. The further away from her we get, the more disease we have.” Father Sebastian Kneipp, famous naturopath,1846.
In 1931 the German doctor and scientist Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for his work on the fundamental importance of oxygen transfer in cell respiration; in 1944 he won a second Nobel Prize for his discovery of the hydrogen-transferring enzyme. In his 1966 book, The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer (Wurzburg: K Tritsch), Warburg, a director of The Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology, stated:
'Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes, but there is only one prime cause... the replacement of the normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic [oxygen lacking] cell respiration.'
Dr. Warburg showed that the growth of cancer cells is initiated by a relative lack of oxygen at the cellular level. When bodily cells cannot get sufficient oxygen, they start to feed off themselves in a sugar fermentation process that leads to a toxic environment in which cancer and other illnesses, triggered by viruses and parasites, can thrive. Cancer cells cannot easily exist in a high-oxygen environment.
Evidence indicates that the muscle pain and fatigue that occurs in fibromyalgia may be associated with impaired muscle tissue microcirculation and oxygen metabolism. Several studies have observed lower skin/muscle blood flow or oxygen consumption in fibromyalgia patients.
It can be easily stated that the leading causes of all disease is a lack of oxygen, inflammation, and low blood pH acidity.
Why Pathogens Hate Oxygen
Bacteria, fungi, parasites, mycotoxins, and anaerobic viruses are unable to survive in an oxygen-enriched environment. Oxygen therapy destroys the pathogens and builds resistance to infections like candida Albicans and hepatitis that thrive in an oxygen-deficient environment. Lactic acid results from muscle overload and oxygen helps to neutralize the acids in our body. This allows the human body to burn fat more efficiently, sleep is improved, brain fog and fatigue are greatly improved, and vitality is restored. When enough oxygen is pumped into the lungs it’s like pouring water on a fire, inflammation can be cooled quickly and safely.
Oxygen enhances the ability of white blood cells to remove toxins from the body which increases immunity and helps prevent infections. Oxygen increases fibroblastic proliferation and the growth of cells that form reparative tissue. Stem cell growth increases as does the production of collagen, and blood flow is stimulated, and new capillary growth is initiated.
Oxygen supports scar tissue rehabilitation, improves physical range of motion, delays the onset of anaerobic fermentation, increases balanced hormone production, accelerates wound healing, and reduces stress.
Flooding the body with oxygen reduces environmental toxin overload, improves blood circulation to the capillaries, decreases viscosity, and separates red blood cells which decrease vascular disease and arrhythmia. Lung function is also improved as red blood cells pass oxygen to the other tissues in emphysema, asthma, and chronic bronchitis. Pain is reduced, muscles are relaxed, nerves are calmed, metabolic processes are improved through circulation and nutrient delivery within the body and stimulates the immune system rather than suppress it.
When the body is given enough energy and oxygen it has a way of regenerating its tissues and replaces dead or dying tissues with healthy cell proliferation.
The Regulation of Blood pH
If tissue pH deviates too far to the acid side, cellular metabolism will cease, and oxygen deprivation will occur.
Acidity and lack of oxygen are the ideal environmental condition for morbid microforms to flourish.
Acute or recurrent illnesses & infections are the attempts by the body to mobilize mineral reserves from all parts of the body, or a crisis attempts at detoxification.
Homeostasis is the regulation of the body to a balance, by single point tuning such as blood oxygen level, blood glucose, or blood ph.
Carbon Dioxide & Blood pH
Carbon dioxide determines how much oxygen is released into our tissues and cells and plays a central role in regulating the pH of the bloodstream: how acidic or alkaline our blood is.
Fig. 8 Carbon dioxide is composed of one carbon atom covalently bonded to two oxygen atoms and creates pH balance in the body. It is referenced as CO2.
Normal pH in the blood is 7.365, and this level must remain within a tightly defined range, or the body is forced to compensate. For example, when the blood’s pH becomes more alkaline, breathing reduces to allow carbon dioxide levels to rise and restore pH. Conversely, if the pH of the blood is too acidic breathing increases to offload carbon dioxide as acid, allowing pH to normalize. Maintaining normal blood pH is vital to our survival. If the pH is too acidic and drops below 6.8, or too alkaline and rises above 7.8, the result can be fatal. This is because pH levels directly affect the ability of our internal organs and metabolism to function.
Every organ system of the human body relies on pH balance; however, the renal system and the pulmonary system are the two main modulators. The pulmonary system adjusts pH using carbon dioxide; upon expiration, carbon dioxide is projected into the environment. Due to carbon dioxide forming carbonic acid in the body when combined with water, the amount of carbon dioxide expired can cause pH to increase or decrease. When the respiratory system is utilized to compensate for metabolic pH disturbances, the effect occurs in minutes to hours.
The kidneys regulate the pH of the blood by excreting acids in urine. They also produce and regulate bicarbonate, which increases blood pH. These changes take longer than those that occur due to breathing, potentially taking hours or days. Certain situations and medical conditions can mean that the body is unable to keep blood pH within the healthy range.
The lungs can help regulate blood pH rapidly through the process of exhaling carbon dioxide, sometimes producing changes within seconds. For example, when someone exercises, they produce more carbon dioxide, so they breathe faster to prevent the blood from becoming too acidic.
Acidosis occurs when the blood is too acidic, with a pH below 7.35. Alkalosis occurs when the blood is not acidic enough, with a pH above 7.45. An acidic body creates disease, and a balanced alkaline body prevents disease and slows the aging process.
Chapter 3
Types of Oxygen Medicine and Bio-oxidative Therapies and Their Uses:
Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Nitric Oxide, Ozone
Oxygen atoms are very reactive and are incorporated into many common chemical compounds, such as water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SO2 and SO3), and nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2).
Humans, animals, and plants require a continual supply of oxygen to survive. The average human needs about 1 cup of oxygen per minute while resting, and nearly 2 gallons per minute during periods of strenuous activity. The brain—which makes up about 2 percent of our total body mass— requires over 20 percent of the oxygen taken in by the body. While we can go without food for several months and survive without water for a couple of days, we cannot live without oxygen for more than a few minutes.
The oxygen in the air we breathe reacts with sugars in our systems (from the food we eat and from the breakdown of fats and starch in the body) to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. The energy from this process, a form of combustion, is stored in a compound called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is essentially the fuel we need to live, think, and move.
The lungs, heart, and circulatory system deliver oxygen to the entire body. This oxygen creates the energy we need to survive and thrive. At the same time, the lungs take carbon dioxide (CO2), a waste product from the blood, and discharge it back into the air. Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis, sending it back into the atmosphere for us to enjoy once more.
The American Lung Association estimates that humans breathe in approximately 2,000 gallons of air each day. The lungs are one of the largest organs in the human body. The surface area of both lungs is roughly the same size as a tennis court and the total length of the airways running through them is 1,500 miles. That's about the distance from Chicago to Las Vegas.
Fresh organic fruits and vegetables contain an abundance of oxygen that is dissolved in water. When we eat generous amounts of fresh, raw vegetables and fruits, we benefit from increased oxygen intake as well as from the valuable vitamins and minerals these foods contain. However, foods that have been heavily processed, cooked, and preserved through canning tend to be very low in oxygen. High-fat foods like meat, eggs, and dairy products tend to be lower in oxygen as well. The standard American diet (known appropriately as SAD) tends to be very low in oxygen content. It should be no surprise that this type of diet has been linked to a wide variety of degenerative diseases like arteriosclerosis, cancer, and diabetes.
Oxidation occurs as combustion within the body when oxygen turns sugar into energy. Our body uses oxidation as its first line of defense against harmful bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites. Oxidation breaks down the toxic cells into carbon dioxide and water, and they are removed from the body through its normal processes of elimination.
After oxidation, the most important effect of breathing is oxygenation. Oxygenation involves saturation with oxygen, as in the aeration of blood in the lungs. Breathing in oxygen is a major source of oxygenation. Although hydrogen peroxide and ozone are best known as oxidizers, they are also powerful oxygenators. If the oxygenation process within the body is weak or deficient, the body cannot eliminate poisons adequately and a toxic reaction can occur. In minor cases, a toxic buildup can lead to fatigue, dullness, and sluggishness. However, when poor oxygenation is chronic, our overall immune response to germs and viruses is weakened, making us vulnerable to a wide range of diseases.
In 1783 the French physician Maxence Caillens was the first to use inhaled oxygen therapy treatments for patients with tuberculosis. Today, oxygen therapy is commonly used worldwide as a standard treatment of care in ICUs and emergency hospital rooms. Intravenous oxygen and oxygen by insufflation are also common practices, especially in cases of serious disease, trauma, or surgery.
By the mid-1800s Dr. S. B. Birch stated that most people report that oxygenated water gives them extra energy and makes them more alert. The effects of inadequate oxygen in the blood were well known then and now. Drinking oxygenated water is another path for bringing oxygen into the bloodstream. Oxygen water can now be made at home through a portable electrolysis oxygen generator or by purchasing oxygen drops. Oxygen water is used for drinking, disinfecting, and sanitizing, and is deemed safe for adults, children, and pets for overall health and general wellness with benefits aiding in digestion and hydration.
Bio-oxidative therapies have been shown to accelerate oxygen metabolism and stimulate the release of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells. When levels of oxygen increase, the potential for disease decreases. Germs, parasites, fungi, bacteria, and viruses are killed along with diseased and deficient tissue cells. At the same time, healthy cells not only survive but are better able to multiply. The result is a stronger immune system and improved overall immune response. Although ozone and hydrogen peroxide are highly toxic in their natural state, they are safe and effective when diluted to therapeutic levels for medical use. When administered in prescribed amounts by a qualified and experienced medical practitioner, the chances of experiencing adverse reactions to oxidative therapies are extremely small.
It has been estimated that over twelve million people (primarily in Germany, Russia, and Cuba) have been given oxidative therapies over the past 90 years to treat more than 50 different diseases, including heart and blood vessel diseases, diseases of the lungs, infectious diseases, and immune-related disorders. In some cases, oxidative therapies are administered alone; in others, they are used in addition to traditional medical procedures (such as surgery or chemotherapy) or as adjuncts to alternative health practices like vitamin therapy, acupuncture, chelation, ultraviolet light therapy, or herbal medicine.
According to the International Bio-Oxidative Medical Foundation, the following conditions or diseases have been treated with ozone and hydrogen peroxide as bio-oxidative therapies with varying degrees of success: Cardiac arrhythmias, cardiovascular disease, cerebral vascular disease, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease emphysema, Epstein-Barr virus, candida, fungus, wounds, and more.
According to Frank Shallenberger, M.D., H.M.D., one of America’s most respected oxidative practitioners and president of the American Academy of Ozonotherapy, ozone and hydrogen peroxide are virucidal and studies have shown they stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are necessary to fight infection. They increase oxygen and hemoglobin disassociation, thus increasing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells. Ozone and hydrogen peroxide are antineoplastic, which means that they inhibit the growth of new tissues like tumors. They oxidize petrochemicals. They increase the production of interferon and tumor necrosis factor, which the body uses to fight infections and cancers. They increase the efficiency of the antioxidant enzyme system, which scavenges excess free radicals in the body. They accelerate the citric acid cycle, which is the main cycle for the liberation of energy from sugars. They also break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to be used as energy.
Hyperoxygenation, also known as bio-oxidative medicine, oxymedicine, oxidative therapies, and activated oxygen is the addition of oxygen directly to the tissues of the body in the form of singlet oxygen (lone oxygen atoms) in a highly reactive state. Activated oxygen in the bloodstream causes lipid peroxidation, which helps in the reduction of serum cholesterol and triglycerides, so it is helpful for cardiovascular disease as well. It stimulates cell receptor sites in white blood cells so that it can play a key role in stimulating the immune system. It stimulates lymphokines and cytokines from lymphocytes and monocytes as well as Tumor Necrosing Factor, Interferon, and Interleukin production, all of which are the body’s natural chemical defenses to infectious microbes and carcinogens. Activated oxygen stimulates white blood cell production, increases oxygen delivery to every cell in the body, inhibits the growth of some cancers, helps antioxidants to rid the body of too many free radicals, assists Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) function at its optimum which creates energy from carbohydrates, protein, and fat metabolism, and is bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal.
Bio-oxidative therapies are used in the treatment and prevention of
cardiovascular diseases including irregular heartbeat, angina, stroke, memory issues, circulatory imbalances, gangrene, vascular and tension headaches. Infectious diseases include acute and chronic viral, fungal, and bacterial infections, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster virus, hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), candida infection, and parasitic infections. Pulmonary diseases include asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, mycoplasma pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Immune illnesses include diabetes, hypersensitivity reactions, Multiple sclerosis, and arthritis. Metabolic diseases and other illnesses include Alzheimer’s disease, cancers (especially blood/lymph cancers), chronic pain, migraines, Lyme disease, Bell’s palsy, colitis, chronic wounds, and peripheral nerve regeneration.
Bio-oxidative therapies can be administered in several ways depending on the need of the body and what is being treated, these include intravenous, bagging, inhalation, insufflation, and with water using a nebulizer, vaporizer, ionizer, humidifier, or diffuser.
Fig. 9 Hospitals worldwide use oxygen therapy more than any other medicine. Ninety-nine percent pure oxygen is pumped from a concentrator through a tube into an apparatus placed over the nose and mouth and into the lungs which helps keep humans alive during injury, illness, accident, and surgery.
Oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen gas, nitric oxide, glutathione, iodine, saline, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, and colloidal silver are among the most widely used inhalation medicine therapies for the prevention and treatment of respiratory and viral illnesses. Many studies have been done proving the effectiveness of inhalation therapies on cystic fibrosis, HIV, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, chronic rhinitis, emphysema, and asthma. Most recently, dozens of scientific trials and studies report the positive use of these inhalation therapies during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic of 2020.
Hydrogen & Oxygen
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and occurs naturally on earth only in compound form with other elements in liquids, gases, or solids. Hydrogen combined with oxygen is water (H2O). Hydrogen combined with carbon forms different compounds—or hydrocarbons—found in natural gas, coal, and petroleum.
Fig. 10 Hydrogen consists of a single proton and a single electron and is referenced as H202.
When it rains ozone and hydrogen peroxide fall to the earth and plants absorb the water and the sunlight where they store negatively charged hydrogen ions through the process of photosynthesis. When we eat these plants our bodies burn hydrogen and oxygen and generate the energy we need to live. All living things must have hydrogen to sustain life. The human body must breathe to get oxygen and must eat and drink to get hydrogen.
Hydrogen produces zero toxic emissions when used for energy, and it has zero side effects when used as a medicine. Hydrogen is known to save lives in ICU and emergency rooms. Hydrogen works like a miracle gas when one is under tremendous pressure. Deep-sea divers can survive depths of up to 2000 feet by breathing 96 percent hydrogen and only 4 percent oxygen. It is also used to prevent decompression and nitrogen sickness.
Hydrogen is by far the cleanest form of energy and is also the safest medicine. Hydrogen peroxide is involved in all of life’s vital processes and must be present for the immune system to function properly. The cells in the body that fight infection (known as granulocytes) produce hydrogen peroxide as the first line of defense against invading organisms like parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is also required for the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. As a hormone regulator, hydrogen peroxide is necessary for the body’s production of estrogen, progesterone, and thyroxine. It also helps the body regulate blood sugar and the production of energy in cells. Hydrogen peroxide has long been known medically as a disinfectant, antiseptic, and oxidizer. Clinically, it has been used to successfully treat a wide variety of human diseases—including circulatory disorders, pulmonary diseases, parasitic infections, and immune-related disorders—with few harmful side effects.
In 1888, I.N. Love, MD reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that the use of hydrogen peroxide was substantial as an antiviral and antiseptic agent effectively able to treat numerous diseases including scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, asthma, hay fever, and tonsillitis. Hydrogen peroxide has shown anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ability in many clinical trials.
Molecular hydrogen (H2) gas regulates anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, energy metabolism at the mitochondrial level, stimulates the immune system, and regulates the circadian clock, and has therapeutic potential for many systemic diseases. Molecular hydrogen penetrates deep into every cell of the body, fighting free radicals and harmful inflammation at the cellular level. Molecular hydrogen has a very high safety profile and helps regulate nitric oxide production and metabolism. More than 1400 peer-reviewed studies show the benefits of molecular hydrogen including supporting cognitive health, improving immune function, and more. Molecular hydrogen can cross the blood-brain barrier and cell membranes, penetrating a cell’s nucleus and mitochondria. H2O2, in the presence of coenzyme-Q10, creates "intracellular thermogenesis," a warming of the cells which is essential to life.
Brownstein et al. from Wayne State University School of Medicine, with two decades of experience using oxidative therapies as medicine, most recently reported using hydrogen peroxide to successfully treat the symptoms of patients diagnosed with SARS-Co-V2. The treatments used were a combination of oral, intravenous, intramuscular, and nebulized hydrogen peroxide and resulted in zero deaths and the recovery of 107 COVID-19 patients.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant for medical equipment and facilities that have been in contact with SARS-CoV-2. In vitro studies demonstrate the efficacy of H2O2 in the vapor phase as a viricide against pathogenic viruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV.
Researchers report hydrogen is helpful for acute myocardial infarction, cardiopulmonary arrest syndrome, sepsis, contrast‐induced acute kidney injury, hemorrhagic shock, and chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and neurodegenerative diseases.
An estimated 15,000 European medical doctors, naturopaths, and homeopaths have provided this powerful therapy to over 10 million people over the past 80 years to treat over 50 different diseases. In the U.S., a comparatively smaller number of doctors and health practitioners provide this therapy. According to the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) and International Oxidative Medicine Association (IOMA), less than 500 U.S. health practitioners have this therapy available, although these lists are far from exhaustive. There are more than 91,000 studies that scientifically validate the efficacy of hydrogen therapy.
The process of ‘curing’ disease does not have to be the expensive and often invasive procedure it presently is. There is an easier, more organic, and far more effective approach to curing disease and maintaining good health—one that has been obscured by the highly complex science (and business) of medicine and pharmaceuticals.
Hydrogen peroxide used intravenously quickly relieves allergic reactions, symptoms of cold and flu, and acute viral infections through oxidation. Tumor cells, bacteria, and other pathogens in the blood can be destroyed with hydrogen peroxide treatment. It may prove to be the most dramatic and useful bio-oxidative therapy in cancer treatment as well.
Peroxide of hydrogen reacts with catalase in the plasma and the white blood cells where it penetrates the cell membrane of erythrocytes (red blood cells), where it reacts with catalase within the cell, and additional oxygen is then released producing interferon, monocytes, and human killer cells stimulated by hydrogen peroxide. Studies were conducted comparing hyperbaric oxygen (giving the patient oxygen under pressure in a high-pressure tank) and intravenous hydrogen peroxide to compare oxygen content levels in tissues. Researchers found that the tissue oxygen levels with intravenous hydrogen peroxide paralleled the increase in oxygen found with hyperbaric oxygen pressure treatment.
Studies have shown that Legionnaire's disease, syphilis, candida, viruses, and even parasites will respond well to hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide therapy breaks down calcium deposits in the blood vessels where it has been shown to eliminate cholesterol, allergies, Lyme disease, fungal infections, herpes, mononucleosis, migraines, asthma, COPD, emphysema, chronic fatigue, oxidative stress, chemotherapy side effects by reversing overly produced active oxygen in the body and acts as an antioxidant in cell signaling system within molecular cells. Hydrogen peroxide acts as a strong antioxidant and shown to manage chemotherapy side-effects, Parkinson’s disease, pneumonia, and supports and maintains immunity. Studies have concluded H2 can improve the activity of the antioxidant system, reducing damage to cells and tissues induced by oxidative stress.
There are over 6,100 scientific articles dating from 1920 on the biological applications of hydrogen peroxide.
Nitric Oxide & Oxygen
Red blood cells play a crucial and active role in responding to the oxygen needs of tissues and nitric oxide is the key to this process. Three US scientists—Robert F. Furchgott, PhD, Louis J. Ignarro, PhD, and Ferid Murad, MD, PhD received the 1998 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for the discovery of nitric oxide and its critical role in maintaining cardiovascular health.
They demonstrated that nitric oxide in blood cells is an active regulatory molecule that causes the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells to undergo subtle shape changes in response to varying concentrations of oxygen in tissues. Nitric oxide is the master regulator of the cardiovascular system. It facilitates vasodilation, maintaining blood pressure and the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
Nitric oxide works by relaxing or contracting blood vessels. The ability to monitor and manipulate nitric oxide along with oxygen and carbon dioxide proves to be very useful in the diagnosis and treatment of many human diseases. It is now thought that vegetarians have a lower incidence of cancer and cardiovascular disease because nitric oxide improves vasodilation, maintains optimal flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients through the vessels, and boosts brain and mitochondrial function, which all prevent a host of other ailments.
Research also has shown healthy nitric oxide levels can increase exercise performance because more efficient blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles enables faster recovery, reduces soreness, and decreases demand on the heart and skeletal muscles.
Fig. 11 Nitric oxide is a molecule containing one nitrogen atom and one oxygen atom and is referenced as NO.
Nasal breathing and breathing techniques such as humming and types of controlled breath holding stimulate increased nitric oxide production. Humming showed an increase of nitric oxide levels 15-fold as compared to normal quiet breathing. Because the nasal airways and sinuses are the primary sources of exhaled nitric oxide, nasal breathing concentrates the amount of nitric oxide circulating in the upper airway. Levels reduce greatly if we switch to mouth breathing and some research shows that mouth breathing reduces the amount of exhaled nitric oxide by 50%. Nasal breathing also makes the nose healthy in other ways, improving its microbiome, hydration, blood flow, and mucous production.
Nasal breathing improves lung health and oxygenation of the body in several ways. The nose helps to filter particulate matter that can adversely affect the health of the lungs and contribute to inflammation. Breathing through the nose significantly reduces particle deposition in the lungs that occurs during mouth breathing. Nasal breathing also improves pulmonary function by improving the motility of the cilia. It also improves the circulation in the lungs so that the blood is better oxygenated by around 10%.
Clinically supported portable nasal breathing devices are now available for home and travel use. New advanced technology provides sinus therapy for nasal decongestion and relief from colds, allergies, and asthma symptoms. Research also suggests the improvement of increased nitric oxide which promotes anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.
According to the Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, the common denominator in the theories of aging and age-related diseases is the bioavailability of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide controls and regulates telomerase activity, mitochondrial biogenesis and function, and the mobilization of stem cells. NO improves blood pressure, improves energy and stamina, increases growth hormones, improves sexual dysfunction, improves optimization of all bodily organs, decreases Alzheimer’s and dementia, and decreases chronic infections including cancer. Light therapy and photobiomodulation therapy is a natural, holistic way to increase nitric oxide levels. The light triggers the release of nitric oxide from blood vessels and red blood cells causing local vasodilation that lasts several hours after the therapy session has ended.
Nitric oxide levels in the blood can also be increased by eating vegetables high in nitrates such as celery and beets, increasing antioxidants with Vitamins C and E, increasing amino acids L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, and regular amounts of exercise.
Ozone & Oxygen
Ozone is a naturally occurring elemental form of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere and essential for homeostasis, to maintain a natural balance on our planet. It is a molecule created in nature when ultraviolet energy from the sun temporarily crosses three atoms of oxygen.
Fig. 12 Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms referenced as O3.
Ozone is also formed by the action of electrical discharges on oxygen, so it is often created by thunder and lightning. After a thunderstorm, the air often smells fresh and clean because of the small quantities of ozone and hydrogen peroxide generated by the storm. As powerful oxidizers, ozone and hydrogen peroxide helps clean the atmosphere of hydrogen monoxide, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, and dozens of other dangerous compounds.
Ozone can also be produced commercially using an ozone generator, which involves sending an electrical discharge through a specially built condenser containing oxygen. Ozone water, ozone oil, ozone insufflation, ozone autohemotherapy, and ozone sauna are all therapies that require the use of an ozone generator which can be administered at home or in a medical setting. The administration of ozone causes several biochemical, pharmacological, and psycho-neuro-immunological reactions to take place. Ozone therapy is painless and non-invasive. According to very specific protocols, which have been established by physicians from many different countries around the globe over the past 100 years, ozone gas is used medically for a variety of ailments and illnesses. As people and animals become resistant to antibiotics, ozone is emerging as a “new” adjunct therapeutic in healthcare, dental care, cosmetics, and animal care.
The word ozone originates from the Greek word ozein, which means odor, and was first used in 1840 by German chemist Christian Friedrich Schonbein “The father of ozone therapy.”
In 1856, ozone gas was used for the first time to disinfect operating rooms, and in 1860, the first water treatment plant to use ozone to purify municipal water supplies was built in Monaco.
In September 1896, the electrical genius Nikola Tesla patented his first ozone generator and in 1900 he formed the Tesla Ozone Co. Tesla sold ozone machines that could produce ozonated water and ozonated olive oil to doctors for medical use.
After a severe cholera epidemic in Hamburg killed thirty thousand people, the first waterworks to use ozone in Germany was constructed by chemist and inventor Werner von Siemens in Wiesbaden in 1901. Today, over 2,500 municipalities around the world use ozone to purify their drinking supplies.
By the 1930s German doctors were using ozone to treat wounds, infections, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and chronic diarrhea of soldiers during World War I. German dentist E.A. Fisch was the first dentist to use ozone therapy in his practice to aid in disinfection and wound healing during dental surgeries. The main use of ozone in dentistry relies on its antimicrobial properties. Ozone therapy has been utilized with gingivitis, periodontitis, plaque and biofilms, root canals, TMJ, teeth whitening, and more.
In the 1950’s German physicist Joaquim Hansler developed the first medical ozone generator that could make accurate doses of oxygen and ozone, and the company he founded is now the largest manufacturer of medical ozone generators in the world. Ozone is now used to treat many types of infections and illnesses from cancer to HIV. This is possible because ozone disrupts the integrity of the pathogen’s cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoprotein and the reproductive cycle with hydrogen peroxidation.
Autohemotherapy was defined as a therapeutic method in 1912 by the French physician Paul Revaut. Autohemotherapy is ozone mixed with the patient’s own blood and must be administered by a physician or qualified practitioner. Revaut used autohemotherapy in the treatment of typhoid fever, asthma, urticaria, and anaphylactic states. The physician Hans Wolff deserves credit for having developed autohemotherapy by insufflation in 1961. Some proven benefits of autohemotherapy is an increased ability to fight infections and disease, an increase in blood and oxygen circulation, a decrease in environmental toxins, reduces inflammation, and kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mold pathogens in the body.
The modern-day pioneer of ozone therapy is Dr. Robert Rowan, a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and UC San Francisco Medical School. Dr. Rowan went to Africa and treated Ebola patients and taught medical professionals how to use ozone therapy. Bio-oxidative therapies like ozone stimulates white blood cell production, and are antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. In addition, oxidative therapy has been shown to decrease the size of cancer cells and increases the production of interferon, which helps fight infections and cancer. More and more doctors who practice integrative and functional medicine are offering these services.
Topical ozone involves “bagging” the area to be treated, such as a hand, foot, leg, etc. The limb is encased in a sealed bag that has a tube running into it. The tube delivers the ozone to the body part directly and this method of delivery is very effective in treating ulcers, sores, open wounds, and shingles.
Intravenous (IV) ozone therapy refers to the process of administering ozone gas into the bloodstream to stimulate the immune system to help treat a wound, disease, or infection. When ozone is introduced intravenously it will form hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which ultimately reduces inflammation in the body. Less inflammation is less aging and disease, which is why ozone is now also being used in anti-aging and aesthetic medicine.
When ozone therapy is introduced to the body it instantly increases the oxygen levels in the red blood cells. They will then transfer this extra oxygen to all the other cells and tissues in the body. Ozone has a strong repair activity on human epithelial cells, improves blood circulation and oxygen supply, improves white blood cell activity, improves the metabolism of cells, and thus slows down the aging process. All accepted methods of ozone application are effective as anti-aging modalities. In addition, many practitioners have their patients and clients include dietary changes, light exercise, and supplements which increase antioxidant reactions such as resveratrol, curcumin, ginseng, alpha lipoic acid, quercetin, berberine, and green tea extract to their regimen as they are also proven natural anti-aging therapeutics.
Ozone gas does not mask odors, instead, it oxidizes these compounds and leaves them odor-free. It is used to reduce odors in paper mills, compost operations, underground railways, mines, dairies, fish processing plants, and slaughterhouses and has been used to sterilize medical devices in hospitals, clinics, and research laboratories for decades.
Activated oxygen, ozone, is one of the best and safest swimming pools and spa purifiers. Ozone can cut chemical usage by 80% and eliminate burning eyes, faded and bleached bathing suits, dry skin, and more. Ozone gas breaks down bacteria and virus-cell walls in seconds and kills them. Ozone is regarded as safe and effective whereas chlorine takes hours to slowly penetrate these cells and can react with common compounds in the pool to create cancer-causing chemicals. Ozone can also destroy pesticides and chemical residues, and kill bacteria like E. coli, listeria, cryptosporidium, giardia, and other pathogens far more efficiently than chlorine. Ozone is also used to clean up polluted lakes and rivers, which it does far more effectively than chlorine without killing animal life or leaving behind harmful chemical residues.
In the 1970s, Dr. Alexander Balkany of Switzerland used ozone injections to treat tendon and muscle pain. However, the use of ozone injection in the United States is credited to Frank Shallenberger, MD, a former emergency room doctor who turned to alternative and homeopathic treatments in 1990 after a trip to Germany. He currently runs the Nevada Center of Alternative and Anti-Aging Medicine, Nevada.
According to the Journal of Prolotherapy, Prolozone is a technique that marries concepts from Neural Therapy, Prolotherapy, and Ozone Therapy. It involves injecting a solution of procaine, anti-inflammatory medications/homeopathics, vitamins, minerals, proliferatives, and a mixture of ozone/oxygen gas into degenerated or injured joints to help relieve chronic neck and pain, plantar fasciitis, pelvic disease, and tennis elbow.
More than 26,000 practitioners use ozone in 31 countries, including Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Cuba, and China. An increasing number of doctors in North America are also now utilizing Prolozone in their practice.
Published case studies on Prolozone show an analgesic effect in osteoarthritis and lumbar disc herniations. No significant side effects from Prolozone have ever been demonstrated. Other than the possibility of an allergy to one of the liquid components, there are no contraindications to its use.
In 1980, Horst Kief is believed to have been the first physician to use ozone therapy to successfully treat patients infected with HIV. He also pioneered the development of autohomologous immunotherapy (AHIT) using ozone and other elements, which can be used to treat a wide variety of diseases that are resistant to traditional medical therapy.
With EBOO (Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation) ozone blood dialysis is the most advanced form of ozone treatment available today. It is a unique form of therapy that heals and detoxifies by stimulating oxygen metabolism, activating the immune system, and eliminating harmful viruses, fungi, bacteria, yeast, and protozoa. It detoxifies blood by filtering it through a machine that adds oxygen and then reintroduces the blood to the body in a closed-circuit environment.
EBOO treatment enhances blood flow, which has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation, it up-regulates antioxidant enzyme defenses and removes excess free radicals, which is key in rejuvenation and overall health as we age.
EBOO has also been used as a part of an overall treatment plan for chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, chronic hepatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis, cancer, and Crohn’s disease.
It is estimated that over 12 million ozone treatments have been given to over 1 million patients in Germany alone over the last 50 years. Although medical uses of ozone are still considered experimental by North American scientists, they are well-known and well-established outside the United States.
Numerous studies have observed the effect of ozone on a wide variety of microorganisms involved in the formation of biofilm: Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus oralis, Candida, and several others.
Since the discovery of ozone as a therapeutic medicine, hundreds of studies and published reports have been conducted by many leading organizations including the Institute for Oxygen Therapy, The Institute of Regenerative Medicine, Chicago Hospital College of Medicine, The Journal of Medical Gas Research, and The Medical Ozone Research Institute to name a few.
In 1933, the American Medical Association set out to destroy any medical treatments that were in direct competition with pharmaceutical drugs. The suppression of ozone therapy began then, and it continues in the US to this day. After 125 years of usage, ozone therapy is a recognized modality in many countries including Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Israel, Cuba, Japan, Mexico, and only a handful of US states.
Ozone has been found to be an extremely safe medical therapy, free from side effects other than direct inhalation which can be toxic. Ozone is safe to breathe when it is bubbled through an oil such as extra virgin olive oil. This is an excellent therapy for respiratory illnesses like asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia, especially when combined with magnetic therapy.
In a 1980 study done by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy, 644 therapists were polled regarding their 384,775 patients, comprising a total of 5,579,238 ozone treatments administered. There were only 40 cases of side effects noted out of this number which represents an incredibly low rate of .000007%, and only four fatalities. Ozone has thus proven to be the safest medical therapy ever devised.
Regardless of more than 100 years of proven safe and effective use of ozone therapy, in 2003 the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibited all medical uses of ozone, "In any medical condition for which there is no proof of safety and effectiveness", stating "Ozone is a toxic gas with no known useful medical application in specific, adjunctive, or preventive therapy. For ozone to be effective as a germicide, it must be present in a concentration far greater than that which can be safely tolerated by man and animals." The FDA may have the right to approve, or not-approve of a particular medical or dental device, but FDA approval is not necessary before that device can be used in a clinical setting.
In March 2022, the FDA updated its statement that ozone therapy still has not been shown as a safe and effective treatment modality.
Regardless of this, the medical industry is showing globally accepted use of ozone therapy in neurology, urology, internal diseases, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, dermatology, dentistry, ophthalmology, oncology, cosmetology, addiction medicine, and sports medicine among others.
Contraindications for ozone therapy are hyperthyroidism, a tendency to bleed, blood coagulation disorder, and individual tolerance to ozone.
Chapter 4
The Benefits of Oxygen and Bio-oxidative Therapy in Prevention, Healing, and Aging
Mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the causes of aging, particularly in the heart, muscles, brain, and liver. Neurons rely almost exclusively on the mitochondria, which produce the energy required for most of the cellular processes, including synaptic plasticity and neurotransmitter synthesis. Mitochondrial dysfunctions cause an increase in ROS (resistant oxygen species) for lowered oxidative capacity and antioxidant defense, with consequent increased oxidative damage to proteins and lipids, decreased ATP production, and accumulation of DNA damage. It has been demonstrated that ozone, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and oxygen administration can act on specific mechanisms to promote cell survival and proliferation, blocking the apoptotic processes.
Dr. Mark Sircus, acupuncturist, and doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine is a prolific writer and author who stated that oxygen medicine is the most fundamental medicine because we are dealing with the most basic element of life that we need in constant supply.
Published research determined that adding oxygen therapy to prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs played a crucial role in the severity of the inflammatory response and ultimately the effectiveness of these anti-inflammatory drugs. By increasing oxygen levels, the cells deliver it to the bodily tissues and fluids where waste gases and toxins are removed more efficiently, and cells begin to function better. This research can significantly benefit patients with severe asthma, COPD, rheumatoid arthritis, pulmonary fibrosis, and coronary artery disease.
Many proven benefits of oxygen therapy and bio-oxidative therapies include reduced inflammation, improved immunity, increase in energy and metabolism, improved cardiovascular function, improved metabolic diseases, detoxifies the body, helps lung and pulmonary conditions, neurological diseases, drug and alcohol-related diseases, chronic pain syndromes, fights oxidative damage that causes premature aging, improves hormonal health, speeds wound healing, increases strength and endurance, treats autoimmune disorders, and can stimulate the growth of collagen to help repair skin diseases including acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, reduce fine lines and wrinkles through skin and tissue rejuvenation, faster healing after cosmetic procedures and surgery and fight viral, fungal, bacterial, and parasitic diseases.
Chapter 5
Alternative Therapies for Increasing Oxygen Saturation: Spiritual Medicine, Exercise with Oxygen, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Nutritional Medicine
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) presently defines complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as covering "a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies that mainstream Western medicine does not commonly use, accept, study, understand, or make available. NCCAM-funded research has been increasing due to consumer reliance on complementary and alternative therapies. State (not federal) law controls much of CAM practice.
Spiritual Medicine - Breathwork
Breathwork and conscious breathing has roots in Eastern cultures and became popular with the West in the 1960s and 1970s. Today, breathwork is practiced all over the world to bring about self-awareness, inner peace, and divine healing.
Some say the simplest thing you can do is “just breathe.” But science and history have taught us that there is a right and wrong way in doing so. Breathwork is when you intentionally become aware of your breath and use it to improve your physical and mental health, endurance and performance, and emotional well-being. The human body is made up of about 37 trillion cells, all of which need oxygen to survive and breathwork is active, mindful breathing that nourishes every cell. It is estimated that roughly 60 percent of all emergency ambulance calls in larger American cities involve breath-related disorders due to dysfunctional breathing habits that manifest into physical and mental health disorders. We use breathing for laughing, crying, singing, talking, eating, drinking, working, and sleeping.
Fig. 13 Breathwork is often performed to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Deep breathing slows down the heart rate and relaxes the nervous system, combating stress hormones that get released into the body and thereby reducing oxidative damage to cells that cause disease and aging.
Many types of breathwork can be beneficial including holotropic, transformational, and clarity to name a few. Research shows there are boundless advantages to breathwork, especially on mental well-being—anger, frustration, nervousness, anxiety, panic attacks, performance anxiety, decision-making, creativity, focus, concentration, and meditation as well as physical well-being—clearer nasal passages and fewer sinus infections, headaches, migraines, asthma, high blood pressure, pain, nausea, motion sickness, autoimmune diseases, chronic illness, high-altitude training, post-workout recovery, increased speed and stamina, and calming of the mind.
The average person will take more than 600 million breaths over their lifetime. Every breath flexes the lungs’ tissues like a muscle with each inhale and relaxes them with each exhale. This motion of breathing is known to influence vital functions of the lungs, including the development, production, and maintenance of healthy tissues. New research from the Wyss Institute at Harvard University has revealed that this constant pattern of stretching and relaxing also generates immune responses against viruses and pathogens.
Breathing is the only function in our body that happens completely automatically and is 100 percent under our control. Many ancient traditions knew this, and developed practices based on breathing to increase the quality of their physical, mental, and emotional health. The well-known yogic discipline of pranayama is a system of breathing exercises designed to work with what the Hindu sages referred to as Prana or life-force energy.
Exercise & Oxygen
Exercise With Oxygen (EWOT), swimming, walking, running, bicycling, rowing, kayaking, cross-country skiing, yoga, light cardio, and rebounder are among some of the best physical fitness activities for increasing blood oxygen saturation that reaches every cell in the body.
Fig. 14 Exercising with oxygen causes the heart rate to increase which allows the body to make carbon dioxide and forces more oxygen into bodily tissues.
Improving fitness depends on enhancing the release of oxygen to our muscles, organs, and tissues. Increased oxygenation is not only healthy it also enables greater exercise intensity with reduced breathlessness.
Warped by chronic stress, sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, lack of fitness, environmental toxins, and even pharmaceuticals have led to weight gain, fatigue, hypoxia, sleeping problems, respiratory conditions, allergies, autoimmune conditions, and heart disease.
The amount of carbon dioxide present in our blood cells determines how much oxygen we can use. When we breathe correctly, we have enough carbon dioxide, and our breathing is quiet, controlled, and rhythmic. If we are over-breathing, our breathing is heavy, more intense, and erratic, and we exhale too much carbon dioxide, leaving our bodies gasping for oxygen. When we breathe better, the amount of carbon dioxide increases, and then we can deliver more oxygen to our muscles and organs, including the heart and brain, which increases our physical capacity. Increasing red blood cells improves oxygen delivery, reduces lactic acid buildup, improves endurance, and lowers the risk of inflammation and injury.
Due to environmental toxins and other factors, the air we breathe is about 21% oxygen. The body needs a certain amount of oxygen to supply cells and organs with energy to carry out basic functions. EWOT assists the body in breathing in higher concentrations of oxygen than it normally receives.
The best way to use EWOT is with an oxygen concentrator, which generates a steady supply of purified oxygen. The oxygen is contained in a bag that is connected to a mask that delivers oxygen during exercise.
Altitude training is often used by athletes to increase oxygen saturation at high altitudes during mountain climbing, hiking, biking, and Olympic events. The military uses altitude training to prepare for global deployment in regions where hypoxia, altitude sickness, night vision deficiency, and rapid decompression would be an issue.
Altitude generators, altitude chambers, altitude tents, and oxygen saturation monitors are used to increase oxygen and monitor how much oxygen is being received. The increase of red blood cells helps to reduce inflammation, improves tissue and organ function, enhances cell metabolism, reduces chronic fatigue, and promotes increased concentration, memory, energy, and youthfulness.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) began in 1662 when British physician Nathaniel Henshaw built the first pressurized room to treat pulmonary and digestive conditions.
Fig. 15 Pressurized oxygen works on a cellular level by being absorbed into tissues in the body that are oxygen deprived so they can heal from the inside out and promotes new connective tissue growth, new blood vessel growth, new skin growth, remodeling of bone, and new cell regeneration.
In 1908, Dr. John S. Haldane studied the effects of compressed oxygen and later developed dive tables for the Royal Navy.
Eric Kindwall, MD often referred to as the father of hyperbaric medicine, credited with more than 90 articles and book chapters, fluent in seven languages, was known to walk about in mismatched socks. He graduated from Yale University School of Medicine in 1960, then enlisted in the Navy during the Vietnam War, and in the mid-70’s he began working at St. Luke’s Hospital as chief of the Department of Hyperbaric Medicine and in 1983 formed the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine (ACHM) were served as the executive director.
Oxygen is so essential to life that sixty minutes in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber has been used in the healing of diabetic skin wounds and brain injuries. Doubting that oxygen has so many healing abilities is like doubting that water, a compound of two elements, oxygen, and hydrogen, can be used to generate electricity, float ocean liners, or be an essential part of sustaining the life of every cell in the body.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment. HBOT is simply using pressure and oxygen to manipulate gene expression and suppression to prompt the body to heal itself which has a positive effect on the DNA and structural components of the cells in the brain, spinal cord, bones, and skin. Pressurized oxygen works on a cellular level by being absorbed into tissues in the body that are oxygen deprived so they can heal from the inside out and promotes new connective tissue growth, new blood vessel growth, new skin growth, new cell regeneration, and remodeling of bone. HBOT has been shown to help neurologic and orthopedic conditions, autoimmune disorders, trauma and injury, and candida and fungal infections to name a few.
During the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, United States physician Orval Cunningham of the University of Kansas found that oxygen therapy assisted in the reduction of viral symptoms of infected patients, but his work and writings were often discredited by the medical establishment.
In the 1950s doctors in the Netherlands discovered that HBOT could treat life-threatening infections like gas gangrene and found that oxygen kills the anaerobic bacteria that causes the infection.
In 1965, Japanese doctors used HBOT to treat carbon monoxide poisoning from a coal mine fire. The oxygen displaced the carbon monoxide in the red blood cells. Scientists also found that burns healed faster when patients were treated with HBOT, generating yet another use for the therapy. We now know that oxygen can reduce the secondary inflammation that accompanies any injury by activating the immune system’s white blood cells and their discharge of toxic chemicals and enzymes, which further damages tissue. HBOT is a holistic treatment that targets the underlying disease or condition, not just the symptoms.
The air we breathe is made up of 79% nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen, 0.1% carbon dioxide, and all other gases. In one hour, humans can inhale 2.4 pounds or 6 liters of oxygen. Twenty percent is used up by the brain alone.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for 14 indications, while hyperbaric therapy is approved for 73 conditions in Russia and is widely used in other countries such as China, Cuba, Canada, England, Israel, and parts of South America for decades with enormous success.
HBOT uses oxygen to treat tissues in the body that have been damaged by oxygen deprivation. Studies have shown that by saturating the body with oxygen wounds and burns can heal faster, and lost cognitive function can be restored, as well as the healing of diabetic wounds, dementia, stroke, heart ailments, migraines, asthma, emphysema, COPD, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, cerebral palsy, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), osteoporosis, arthritis, dementia, poor eyesight, and wrinkles, supports the healing of aesthetic and cosmetic procedures. HBOT is being used by military personnel for depression, PTSD, brain trauma, and battle wounds. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy assists the body in its natural healing process.
Studies have indicated that patients with fibromyalgia were successfully treated with HBOT and CoQ10, which improved their oxygen usage. CoQ10 reduced hypoxia-reperfusion damage in neural stem cells in part by inhibiting the free radical formation and by increasing the expression of survival-related proteins. A 2018 study published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases enrolled 33 female patients with fibromyalgia where they each received 20 HBOT sessions. The study found all of the patients showed significant improvement in their symptoms, including a reduction in pain.
HBOT is generally a safe procedure. Complications are rare but do carry some risks including middle ear injuries or lung collapse due to changes in air pressure. Seizures can happen as a result of too much oxygen in the central nervous system, and lowered blood sugar in people who have diabetes treated with insulin.
Bioenergetic Medicine & Oxygen
Bioenergetic and Bioelectric Medicine is not new but the technologies behind it have become more perfected over the years and are often referred to as new medicine. Nikola Tesla was a Croatian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system. Thomas Edison was an American inventor who developed many devices for electric power generation, communication, sound recording, and motion pictures. Without these men, we would not have many bioelectric medicine therapies today.
Fig. 16 Nikola Tesla creator of alternating-current seen here with his invention. The AC current has become dominant in the electric power industry and in bioelectric medicine.
A few of these wellness devices and technological therapies are made for home and commercial use and include cocoon pod, steam sauna, ozone sauna, halotherapy, vibrational therapy, acoustic therapy, ultrasound therapy, electromagnetic therapy, terahertz therapy, compression therapy, PEMF machines, oxygen concentrators, oxygen pulse oximeters, and oxygen ring monitors.
These scientifically proven modalities help the body to increase blood oxygen saturation through the red blood cells, carried with carbon dioxide and nitric oxide to create hemoglobin with proteins and amino acids which create immunity and disease-fighting white T cells filled with oxygen that moves through sticky platelets which have proven to show fungus, mold, parasites, bacteria, and viruses to die off.
Fig. 17 Bioelectric medicine focuses on electrical signaling in the nervous system which leverages natural signaling pathways in the nervous system to counteract organ dysfunction.
Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare centers use bioelectric medicine technologies for peripheral neuropathy, arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, spinal cord stimulation, heart failure, and more. Using electrical pulses and the body’s natural mechanisms as an adjunct or alternative to drugs and medical procedures.
The Alliance for Advancing Bioelectric Medicine (AABM) is an independent network of professionals dedicated to innovation at the intersection of healthcare and technology advancing engineering and biology to diagnose and treat disease. According to IDTechEx, bioelectric medicine is projected to reach more than $60 billion by 2029.
Chapter 6
Nutritional Medicine: Foods, Diets, Supplements, Nutrition & Oxygen
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of a nutrient is a substance that provides nourishment for the maintenance of life and growth. Oxygen can be considered a nutrient as it is the single most vital substance to sustain plant life, marine life, animal life, and human life on earth.
Fig. 18 Antioxidants reduce oxidative damage and help prevent communicable diseases, protect skin cells, and inhibit inflammatory processes.
Research studies show certain dietary supplements such as Ginkgo biloba, coenzyme Q10, and beetroot juice can increase oxygenation through enhanced blood flow while branched-chain amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids can improve maximum oxygen consumption. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D may reduce the incidence of sleep apnea while N-acetyl cysteine may protect against hypoxia injury related to sleep apnea.
Foods that are rich in alkalinity, antioxidants, polyphenols, electrolytes, amino acids, and nitric oxide help carry oxygen into tissues and cells including honey, mushrooms, sweet potato, spinach, maca root, avocado, dates, bananas, pineapple, lemons, pomegranates, watermelon, mangoes, grapes, and herbs, roots, legumes, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Gingko biloba plant extract has been shown to enhance cerebral oxygen supply, lower cerebral oxygen extraction rate, and consumption, and help regulate the balance between cerebral oxygen supply and consumption after surgery. From coastal waters, lakes, and streams marine phytoplankton, seaweed, Irish sea moss, kelp, and blue-green algae are rich in chlorophyll which boosts red blood cells.
Nutraceutical supplementation is often needed in most diets and is easy to find. These include coenzyme Q10 (CQ10), N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC), Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), glutathione, astaxanthin, vitamin D, zinc, omega 3’s, iron, copper, germanium, iodine, cocoa flavanols, B vitamins, amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline. These nutrients help lower oxidative stress, destroys free radicals, maintain a balanced blood pH, and increase the oxygen supply in the body.
Types of popular diets that include oxygenated-rich foods are The Alkaline Diet, The Cellular Diet, Anti-inflammatory Diet, Keto Diet, and Mediterranean Diet.
Fig. 19 About 70% of the body’s iron is found in red blood cells called hemoglobin which is essential for transferring oxygen in the blood to bodily organs.
Without sufficient levels of iron, the body can't produce enough hemoglobin in red blood cells that enable them to carry oxygen. As a result, iron deficiency anemia will develop. Symptoms will include tiredness and shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin, chest pain, fast heartbeat, headache, dizziness or lightheadedness, cold hands and feet, inflammation or soreness of the tongue, brittle nails, unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances, such as ice, dirt or starch, and poor appetite, especially in infants and children with iron deficiency anemia.
Causes of iron deficiency anemia include blood loss, a lack of iron in the diet, inability to absorb iron, and pregnancy. Reduce the risk of iron deficiency anemia by choosing iron-rich foods such as red meat, pork, poultry, seafood, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, peas, raisins, and apricots.
Evidence indicates that increased oxygen perfusion can also be achieved with certain nutrients and botanicals that have been shown to increase blood flow and oxygenate the tissues, lower oxidative stress, and maintain a balanced blood pH.
Some proven natural remedy bronchial dilators for asthma and reduction of inflammation that allow for airway breathing and oxygen transport to the lungs and cells include Coleus forskohlii, Verbascum thapsus, Boswellia, Petasites hybridus, Nigella sativa, Pycnogenol, Ganoderma lucidum, Sophora flavescens, and Glycyrrhiza uralensis.
Fig. 20 Homeopathic remedies are made synergistically from plants, minerals, and animals and are used to increase airway breathing in asthmatics and respiratory illnesses and is considered personalized medicine.
Homeopathic remedies that increase oxygen delivery include Ammonium carbonicum, Antimonium arsenicum, Antimonium tartaricum, Carbonium oxygenisatum, Carbonium vegetabilis, Grindelia robusta, Kali bichromicum, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla pratensis, Quebracho, and Vanadium metallicum.
Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, and ozone are all naturally occurring molecules and necessary for sustaining life on earth for all plants, animals, and humans. They are so eloquent in nature yet so basic of a structure that they can be captured, produced, and utilized in the prevention and treatment of every illness and disease on planet earth including cancer, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, and slowing the aging process. They provide nutrition, water, and energy and have led human beings to develop inventions in healing and anti-aging that would never have existed if it weren’t for the natural phenomenon that each produces separately and together as electromagnetic forces of eternal sequence.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional. This paper provides medical information and alternative medical options. In no way, should anyone consider the information in this paper to represent the “practice of medicine”. I assume no responsibility for how this material is used.
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